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What is the national day of Jordan?

  • (A) Mar-25
  • (B) May-06
  • (C) Jul-30
  • (D) Dec-17

Answer: May-06

May 6 is Jordan?s National Day, marking the day King Abdullah I ascended to the throne in 1946.

What is the national motto of Jordan?

  • (A) Unity, Freedom, Independence
  • (B) Honor and Peace
  • (C) Strength Through Unity
  • (D) One Hand, One Nation

Answer: Unity, Freedom, Independence

Unity, Freedom, Independence is the national motto of Jordan, symbolizing its aspirations for national solidarity and sovereignty.

What is the national anthem of Jordan?

  • (A) Hymn of the Arab Revolution
  • (B) The Royal Anthem
  • (C) March of the Kingdom
  • (D) Jordan?s Pride

Answer: The Royal Anthem

The Royal Anthem is the national anthem of Jordan, celebrating the country?s monarchy and independence.

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What is the national bird of Jordan?

  • (A) Syrian Woodpecker
  • (B) Sinai Rosefinch
  • (C) Lesser Kestrel
  • (D) Hoopoe Bird

Answer: Sinai Rosefinch

The Sinai Rosefinch is the national bird of Jordan, native to the Sinai Peninsula and Jordan.

What is the national tree of Jordan?

  • (A) Olive Tree
  • (B) Pine Tree
  • (C) Date Palm
  • (D) Cedar Tree

Answer: Olive Tree

The Olive Tree is the national tree of Jordan, symbolizing peace and prosperity.

What is the national day of Japan?

  • (A) Feb-11
  • (B) May-03
  • (C) Sep-23
  • (D) Oct-10

Answer: Feb-11

February 11 is Japan?s National Day, celebrated as National Foundation Day, marking the founding of the nation.

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What is the national motto of Japan?

  • (A) Unity and Peace
  • (B) Harmony and Strength
  • (C) Long Live the Emperor
  • (D) Peace and Prosperity

Answer: Peace and Prosperity

Peace and Prosperity is the national motto of Japan, reflecting its goals of national unity and peaceful international relations.

What is the national anthem of Japan?

  • (A) Kimigayo
  • (B) Song of the Rising Sun
  • (C) Hail the Emperor
  • (D) Japan?s Glory

Answer: Kimigayo

Kimigayo is the national anthem of Japan, reflecting the country?s long history and reverence for the Emperor.

What is the national bird of Japan?

  • (A) Japanese Crane
  • (B) Japanese Sparrow
  • (C) Red-crowned Crane
  • (D) Golden Eagle

Answer: Red-crowned Crane

The Red-crowned Crane is the national bird of Japan, representing longevity, good fortune and peace.

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What is the national tree of Japan?

  • (A) Cherry Blossom
  • (B) Pine Tree
  • (C) Bamboo Tree
  • (D) Plum Tree

Answer: Cherry Blossom

The Cherry Blossom, or Sakura, is the national tree of Japan, symbolizing beauty, renewal and the transient nature of life.


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