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What is the national day of Jamaica?

  • (A) Aug-06
  • (B) May-01
  • (C) Dec-12
  • (D) Oct-24

Answer: Aug-06

August 6 is Jamaica?s National Day, marking the country?s independence from the United Kingdom in 1962.

What is the national motto of Jamaica?

  • (A) Out of Many, One People
  • (B) Strength and Unity
  • (C) Land of Freedom
  • (D) Justice for All

Answer: Out of Many, One People

Out of Many, One People is the national motto of Jamaica, symbolizing the country?s diverse yet unified society.

What is the national anthem of Jamaica?

  • (A) March On, Jamaica
  • (B) Jamaica, Land We Love
  • (C) Hail Jamaica
  • (D) Jamaica's Glory

Answer: Jamaica, Land We Love

Jamaica, Land We Love is the national anthem of Jamaica, expressing national pride and love for the country.

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What is the national tree of Jamaica?

  • (A) Blue Mahoe
  • (B) Royal Palm
  • (C) Coconut Tree
  • (D) Mango Tree

Answer: Blue Mahoe

The Blue Mahoe is the national tree of Jamaica, representing the country?s beauty and strength with its vibrant blue and green color.

What is the national day of Italy?

  • (A) Apr-25
  • (B) Jun-02
  • (C) Jul-04
  • (D) Oct-04

Answer: Jun-02

June 2 is Italy?s National Day, celebrating the establishment of the Italian Republic in 1946.

What is the national motto of Italy?

  • (A) Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
  • (B) Unity and Strength
  • (C) The People?s Power
  • (D) Freedom and Justice

Answer: Unity and Strength

Unity and Strength is the national motto of Italy, reflecting the country?s focus on national cohesion and political strength.

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What is the national anthem of Italy?

  • (A) Fratelli d'Italia
  • (B) Inno di Mameli
  • (C) March of the Romans
  • (D) L'Inno Nazionale Italiano

Answer: Inno di Mameli

Inno di Mameli is the national anthem of Italy, expressing national unity and pride.

What is the national bird of Italy?

  • (A) Italian Sparrow
  • (B) Eurasian Eagle-owl
  • (C) Italian Wallcreeper
  • (D) Golden Eagle

Answer: Italian Wallcreeper

The Italian Wallcreeper is the national bird of Italy, known for its distinctive habitat and agility in rocky terrains.

What is the national tree of Italy?

  • (A) Olive Tree
  • (B) Pine Tree
  • (C) Oak Tree
  • (D) Chestnut Tree

Answer: Olive Tree

The Olive Tree is the national tree of Italy, symbolizing peace, longevity and the rich agricultural heritage of the country.

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What is the national day of Israel?

  • (A) Apr-25
  • (B) May-14
  • (C) Jun-04
  • (D) Jul-07

Answer: May-14

May 14 is Israel?s National Day, celebrating the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.


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