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What is the national motto of Israel?

  • (A) Peace for All
  • (B) Unity and Justice
  • (C) Israel, Home of the Brave
  • (D) A Land of Milk and Honey

Answer: Unity and Justice

Unity and Justice is the national motto of Israel, reflecting the country?s democratic values.

What is the national anthem of Israel?

  • (A) Hatikvah
  • (B) Song of Freedom
  • (C) Land of Israel
  • (D) Hope and Peace

Answer: Hatikvah

Hatikvah is the national anthem of Israel, reflecting the country?s aspirations for freedom and the return to the homeland.

What is the national bird of Israel?

  • (A) Hoopoe Bird
  • (B) Golden Eagle
  • (C) White Stork
  • (D) Israeli Sparrow

Answer: White Stork

The White Stork is the national bird of Israel, symbolizing hope and renewal.

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What is the national tree of Israel?

  • (A) Olive Tree
  • (B) Cypress Tree
  • (C) Pine Tree
  • (D) Date Palm

Answer: Olive Tree

The Olive Tree is the national tree of Israel, symbolizing peace and prosperity.

What is the national day of Ireland?

  • (A) Mar-17
  • (B) May-01
  • (C) Oct-31
  • (D) Dec-12

Answer: Mar-17

March 17 is Ireland?s National Day, celebrated as St. Patrick?s Day in honor of the country's patron saint.

What is the national motto of Ireland?

  • (A) ?ire go Br?ch
  • (B) Together We Stand
  • (C) Unity, Freedom, Justice
  • (D) Liberty and Equality

Answer: ?ire go Br?ch

?ire go Br?ch means Ireland Forever in Gaelic, symbolizing the country?s enduring national pride.

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What is the national anthem of Ireland?

  • (A) Amhr?n na bhFiann
  • (B) The Soldier?s Song
  • (C) Land of the People
  • (D) Ireland's Voice

Answer: Amhr?n na bhFiann

Amhr?n na bhFiann is the national anthem of Ireland, reflecting the country's independence movement and patriotism.

What is the national bird of Ireland?

  • (A) Irish Eagle
  • (B) Barn Owl
  • (C) Puffin
  • (D) Golden Eagle

Answer: Puffin

The Puffin is the national bird of Ireland, known for its distinctive appearance and association with the country's natural beauty.

What is the national tree of Ireland?

  • (A) Pine Tree
  • (B) Holly Tree
  • (C) Oak Tree
  • (D) Ash Tree

Answer: Oak Tree

The Oak Tree is the national tree of Ireland, symbolizing strength and endurance.

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What is the national day of Iraq?

  • (A) Jul-14
  • (B) Nov-17
  • (C) Mar-08
  • (D) Oct-03

Answer: Jul-14

July 14 is Iraq?s National Day, marking the 1958 revolution that led to the abolition of the monarchy.


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