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What is the national bird of Tuvalu?

  • (A) Pacific Black Duck
  • (B) Tuvaluan Cuckoo
  • (C) Polynesian Triller
  • (D) Brown Noddy

Answer: Polynesian Triller

The Polynesian Triller is the national bird of Tuvalu, known for its pleasant calls and presence in the country?s tropical forests.

What is the national tree of Tuvalu?

  • (A) Coconut Tree
  • (B) Tamarind Tree
  • (C) Mango Tree
  • (D) Hibiscus Tree

Answer: Coconut Tree

The Coconut Tree is the national tree of Tuvalu, symbolizing the country?s tropical environment and importance in daily life.

What is the national day of Turkmenistan?

  • (A) Oct-27
  • (B) Mar-25
  • (C) May-01
  • (D) Dec-12

Answer: Oct-27

October 27 is Turkmenistan?s National Day, marking the declaration of independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.

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What is the national motto of Turkmenistan?

  • (A) Unity and Strength
  • (B) Peace, Progress, Prosperity
  • (C) Work and Faith
  • (D) Forward Together

Answer: Peace, Progress, Prosperity

Peace, Progress, Prosperity is the national motto of Turkmenistan, focusing on the country's aspirations for peace and development.

What is the national anthem of Turkmenistan?

  • (A) Turkmenistan, My Homeland
  • (B) Song of the Golden Sands
  • (C) Pride of the Nation
  • (D) Land of Turkmenistan

Answer: Turkmenistan, My Homeland

Turkmenistan, My Homeland is the national anthem of Turkmenistan, celebrating the country's rich culture, history and sovereignty.

What is the national bird of Turkmenistan?

  • (A) Turkmen Eagle
  • (B) Caspian Sea Gull
  • (C) Golden Eagle
  • (D) Steppe Eagle

Answer: Golden Eagle

The Golden Eagle is the national bird of Turkmenistan, a bird of prey that reflects the strength and majesty of the country's wildlife.

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What is the national tree of Turkmenistan?

  • (A) Juniper Tree
  • (B) Poplar Tree
  • (C) Caspian Cypress
  • (D) Oak Tree

Answer: Juniper Tree

The Juniper Tree is the national tree of Turkmenistan, symbolizing endurance and longevity in the country?s rugged landscapes.

What is the national day of Turkey?

  • (A) May-19
  • (B) Nov-10
  • (C) Oct-29
  • (D) Jul-15

Answer: Oct-29

October 29 is Turkey?s National Day, commemorating the founding of the Republic of Turkey in 1923 by Mustafa Kemal Atat?rk.

What is the national motto of Turkey?

  • (A) Unity in Diversity
  • (B) Independence and Unity
  • (C) Strength in Unity
  • (D) Peace at Home, Peace in the World

Answer: Peace at Home, Peace in the World

Peace at Home, Peace in the World is the national motto of Turkey, reflecting the country?s foreign and domestic policies focused on peace and stability.

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What is the national anthem of Turkey?

  • (A) ?stiklal Mar??
  • (B) The Martyrs' Song
  • (C) Rise Up, Turkey
  • (D) Onward, Turkish Soldiers

Answer: ?stiklal Mar??

?stiklal Mar?? is the national anthem of Turkey, a patriotic anthem that celebrates the nation?s independence and freedom.


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