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What is the national bird of Turkey?

  • (A) Eurasian Eagle Owl
  • (B) Turkish Van Eagle
  • (C) Anatolian Eagle
  • (D) Grey Partridge

Answer: Anatolian Eagle

The Anatolian Eagle is the national bird of Turkey, known for its strong presence and majestic flight across the country?s landscapes.

What is the national tree of Turkey?

  • (A) Pine Tree
  • (B) Oak Tree
  • (C) Cherry Tree
  • (D) Cedar Tree

Answer: Oak Tree

The Oak Tree is the national tree of Turkey, symbolizing strength and endurance.

What is the national day of Tunisia?

  • (A) Mar-20
  • (B) Jul-14
  • (C) Aug-13
  • (D) Dec-25

Answer: Mar-20

March 20 is Tunisia?s National Day, commemorating its independence from France in 1956.

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What is the national motto of Tunisia?

  • (A) Unity, Peace, Prosperity
  • (B) Freedom, Equality, Justice
  • (C) Work, Liberty, Dignity
  • (D) One Nation, One People

Answer: Work, Liberty, Dignity

Work, Liberty, Dignity is the national motto of Tunisia, representing the country's core values after independence.

What is the national anthem of Tunisia?

  • (A) Humat al-Hima
  • (B) March of the Soldiers
  • (C) Song of the Free
  • (D) O Tunisia

Answer: Humat al-Hima

Humat al-Hima is the national anthem of Tunisia, expressing patriotism and national pride.

What is the national bird of Tunisia?

  • (A) Tunisian Sparrow
  • (B) Greater Flamingo
  • (C) Barbary Partridge
  • (D) Eurasian Eagle Owl

Answer: Barbary Partridge

The Barbary Partridge is the national bird of Tunisia, a species of game bird native to North Africa.

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What is the national day of Trinidad and Tobago?

  • (A) Aug-31
  • (B) Feb-10
  • (C) Sep-24
  • (D) Aug-01

Answer: Aug-31

August 31 is Trinidad and Tobago's National Day, celebrating the country?s independence from the United Kingdom in 1962.

What is the national motto of Trinidad and Tobago?

  • (A) Together We Aspire, Together We Achieve
  • (B) Unity and Strength
  • (C) Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
  • (D) Progress, Peace, Prosperity

Answer: Together We Aspire, Together We Achieve

Together We Aspire, Together We Achieve is the national motto of Trinidad and Tobago, symbolizing the unity and collective ambition of the people.

What is the national anthem of Trinidad and Tobago?

  • (A) Forged from the Love of Liberty
  • (B) Hymn of the Islands
  • (C) True Patriot Love
  • (D) Land of the Free

Answer: Forged from the Love of Liberty

Forged from the Love of Liberty is the national anthem, reflecting the country?s fight for freedom and its strong national identity.

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What is the national bird of Trinidad and Tobago?

  • (A) Scarlet Ibis
  • (B) Yellow-headed Amazon
  • (C) Tobago Piping Guan
  • (D) Green Macaw

Answer: Scarlet Ibis

The Scarlet Ibis is the national bird of Trinidad and Tobago, a species known for its striking red feathers and grace.


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