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What is the national tree of Trinidad and Tobago?

  • (A) Poui Tree
  • (B) Silk Cotton Tree
  • (C) Mango Tree
  • (D) Cacao Tree

Answer: Poui Tree

The Poui Tree is the national tree of Trinidad and Tobago, symbolizing the beauty of the country?s natural environment.

What is the national day of Tonga?

  • (A) Nov-04
  • (B) Jul-04
  • (C) Aug-17
  • (D) Sep-14

Answer: Nov-04

November 4 is Tonga?s National Day, celebrating its independence from the United Kingdom in 1970.

What is the national motto of Tonga?

  • (A) Unity in Diversity
  • (B) Freedom and Progress
  • (C) God Bless the King
  • (D) Together for Tonga

Answer: God Bless the King

God Bless the King is the national motto of Tonga, expressing the nation?s loyalty to the monarchy and their reverence for the King.

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What is the national anthem of Tonga?

  • (A) God Save the King
  • (B) Royal Hymn of Tonga
  • (C) Land of the Tongan People
  • (D) Song of the King

Answer: Royal Hymn of Tonga

Royal Hymn of Tonga is the national anthem, representing the monarchy and the country's deep reverence for its royal family.

What is the national bird of Tonga?

  • (A) Tongan Kaka
  • (B) Red-billed Tropicbird
  • (C) Tongan Lorikeet
  • (D) Pacific Swallow

Answer: Red-billed Tropicbird

The Red-billed Tropicbird is the national bird of Tonga, a seabird that thrives in the country?s islands.

What is the national tree of Tonga?

  • (A) Coconut Tree
  • (B) Mango Tree
  • (C) Banyan Tree
  • (D) Teak Tree

Answer: Coconut Tree

The Coconut Tree is the national tree of Tonga, symbolizing the country?s tropical landscape and importance in Tongan culture and economy.

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What is the national day of Togo?

  • (A) Apr-27
  • (B) Aug-05
  • (C) Nov-11
  • (D) Dec-25

Answer: Apr-27

April 27 is Togo?s National Day, commemorating the country's independence from France in 1960.

What is the national motto of Togo?

  • (A) Unity, Peace, Justice
  • (B) Strength in Unity
  • (C) Progress, Prosperity, Peace
  • (D) For the Nation, For the People

Answer: Unity, Peace, Justice

Unity, Peace, Justice is the national motto of Togo, emphasizing the importance of unity, peace and justice for national progress.

What is the national anthem of Togo?

  • (A) L'Aube Nouvelle
  • (B) Liberty and Progress
  • (C) Rise Up, Togo
  • (D) O Togo, Our Country

Answer: L'Aube Nouvelle

L'Aube Nouvelle is the national anthem of Togo, expressing the country?s national pride and optimism for the future.

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What is the national bird of Togo?

  • (A) White-throated Bee-eater
  • (B) Black-headed Heron
  • (C) African Fish Eagle
  • (D) Green-breasted Pitta

Answer: White-throated Bee-eater

The White-throated Bee-eater is the national bird of Togo, known for its vibrant color and significance in the country's wildlife.


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